„I stroll through the tombstones of Hoppenlauffriedhof in Stuttgart. I read of two brothers, Erich and Axel Taube, born in 1849 and 1850, died the same day of 2 december 1870 in the battle of Champigny. Champigny? Which battle? Which war? Does anyone remember the reasons for which 190.000 (hundredandninetythousand) soldiers lost their lives?
Nonsensical, vain pretensions of some elderly men – as always when war becomes inevitable. The first and only word taught in armies all over the world is still the same to which Erich and Axel fell victim: JAWOLL. YESSSS, SIR !
We need to change that.
WHY must become the first and most important word in the armies of the 21st century – before we will hopefully finally manage to abolish this most shamful invention of mankind. And NO must be established as all righteous and brave soldier’s only answer to anyone who wants to make us defend our country in any place other than within its own borders.
Peace needs brave and courageous soldiers. Soldiers who dare ask WHY and who dare say NO.“
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